The Aeronautical Laboratory is dedicated to offer students at the university with practical exposure to aerodynamics, aircraft structural mechanics, flight dynamics, aircraft systems and components as well as maintenance, and planning operations. To cater the requirement of developing the research capabilities of students, high performance computational facilities as well as experimental tools ranging from non-destructive testing equipment to cutting-edge three-dimensional imaging capabilities are available within the laboratory.
The knowledge and the services of the laboratory can be accessed by external organizations and institutions by contacting the head of the department or the academic staff members in charge. These services are provided by the laboratory with the aim of assisting the local industries to grow by engineering innovative solutions to problems, thus promoting the development of the national economy.
Facilities and Major Equipment
- Mig 27 aircraft
- Faro Fusion 3D scanning arm
- NDT equipment
- Ultrasonic scanner
- Liquid penetrant testing equipment
- Eddy current tester
- True Structures analysis rig
- Hardness testing equipment
- Centrifugal pump-turbine test rig
- Aircraft turbine and piston engines
- High performance computers
Resource Persons
Stream Coordinator
Prof. ND Jayaweera (Professor, Laboratory in-charge)
Technical Staff
Mrs. I. C. Jayasinghearachchi (Technical Officer)
Mr. UWTN Piyawardana (Lab Attendant)
Address: Aeronautical Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Katubedda, Moratuwa.
Phone: +94 11 2650621 (Ext: 4560)