Call for Applications - M.Eng/ PG Diploma in Energy Technology 2022/2023

The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Moratuwa is pleased to announce the commencement of the Postgraduate programme in “Energy Technology” for the academic year 2022/2023 and invites applications for admission from suitably qualified candidates. The courses are offered commencing from March 2023 and will be offered in modular form.

Closing date for applications (REVISED): 15th January 2023.

Eligibility Requirements

  • The Degree of Bachelor of Science of Engineering of the University of Moratuwa in Mechanical Engineering/Chemical Engineering/Electrical Engineering/Materials Science and Engineering, OR

  • Any other engineering degree of at least four years duration, from a recognised University, in a relevant field of specialization as may be approved by the Senate, OR

  • Any recognized category of membership of a recognized Professional Institute, obtained through an academic route, WITH a minimum of one year of recognized appropriate experience obtained after the membership, as may be approved by the Senate.

Programme of Studies

Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip.): 12 months (part-time)

  • Taught courses, laboratory work, assignments, seminars, and field visits.

  • All academic work will normally be conducted on Friday and Saturdays.

Master of Engineering (M.Eng):  24 months (part-time)

  • Successful completion (overall GPA not less than 2.5) of the academic requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma and additional mandatory individual research project leading to a thesis/dissertation meeting the minimum duration condition of the degree.

Course Fees

  • Registration Fee:    Rs. 2,000 per year (payable at registration)
  • Examination Fee:    Rs. 500 per year (payable at registration)
  • Tuition Fee:     
    • Rs. 400,000 for the Master of Engineering for two years (can be paid in two installments of Rs.200,000 each)
  • Library Deposit:       Rs 2,500 per item, up to 6 items (optional and refundable)

Note: Registration, Examination and Tuition fees will not be refunded in any case.

Application Procedure

A sample application form can be downloaded from the here OR obtained from PG Course Coordinator, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Katubedda, Moratuwa by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope 100 x 225 mm² in size OR sending an email to the respective Course Coordinator/Secretary.

More information about the course can be found from here.

Closing date for applications: 20th December 2022

Contact us

Course Coordinator

Dr. Nissanka NAID

Email: nissankai[at]

Phone: +94 11 2650301 (Ext: 4519)

Mobile: +94 76 6570602

Secretary for Energy Technology

Ms. Udari Kaushalyani

Email: pginenergytechnology.uom[at] / pg-et-secretary[at]

Phone: +94 11 2650301 (Ext: 4529)

Mobile: +94 70 1111386

Office of Department of Mechanical Engineering

Address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Katubedda, Moratuwa.

(Please insert  “ATTN: Dept. Mech. Eng.”)

Published on 24th November 2022

Updated on 28th December 2022
