- Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Senior Lecturer Grade II
Contact information
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Teaching and Administrative Activities
Fluid Dynamics -Undergraduate -2019
Fluid Power Systems & Machinery -Undergraduate -2019
Industrial Fluid Dynamics -Postgraduate -2019
Piped Services -Postgraduate -2019
Solar Energy -Postgraduate -2020
Basic Thermal Sciences -Undergraduate -2019
Fluid Dynamics -Undergraduate -2020
Final Year Project Coordinator - Coordinating the Final Year Design/Research Project (2018 To 2022)
Coordinator- MEng/PG Diploma in Energy Technology - Coordinating all the activities related to post graduate programme including the lectures, exams, thesis evaluations. (2019 To date)
Member of the postgraduate Board of Studies for taught courses- Faculty of Engineering - Attending the BoS meeting and providing required inputs to the committee. (2019 To date)
FAC Coordinator - Coordinating the Department Undergaduate Programme with the Undergraduate devision (2023 To date)
Member Faculty Curriculum Revision Committee - Coordinating the Department Department curriculum revision activities and representing department at the Faculty curriculum committee (2023 To date)
Semester 7 and 8 coordinator - Cordinating the Academic programme of Semster 7 and 8 (2023 To 2024)
Research Activities
Environmental Fluid Mechanics. Multi-phase flow modelling. Turbulent Dispersion Modelling
Ocean oil Spill modelling and impact assessment
Renewable energy and climate change impacts
Education and Professional Affiliations
PhD, Clarkson University ,2016 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Masters, Clarkson University ,2016 Civil and Environmental Engineering
Bachelors, University of Moratuwa ,2010 Mechanical Engineering
IESL(2010 To date)
IMechE(2019 To date)
Dr. Nissanka received his Ph.D. from Clarkson University, New York, USA in 2016, having studied turbulence dispersion and droplet dynamics ocean oil spills. During the postdoctoral studies at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, he shifted his focus to sea spray and aerosols transport in the turbulent atmospheric environment, using numerical simulations as a tool for understanding the complex behaviours exist in nature. Dr. Nissanka also worked as a visiting scholar at Department of Civli and Environmental Engineering, School of Architecture, Design and Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University, UK before he joined the University of Moratuwa. Dr. Nissanka also has experience in working as visiting scientist at Navel Research Lab, Marine Meteorology Division, Monterey, CA. Also, at Clarkson university oil and gas spill modeling group Dr. Nissanka has worked on several consultancy projects for major oil companies on environmental impact assessment of accidental ocean oil and gas spills.
President- University of Moratuwa Mechanical Engineering Society (UMMES) 2019- present
Honours and Awards
Mohamed Harithkhan, Indrajith D Nissanka, Inoka Manthilake,".CFD Analysis on Efficient Arrangement of Condenser Unit to Minimize the Heat Column Generation Effect in High-Rise Residential Buildings.",Springer Nature Singapore,2022
L. S. Paranamana, S. K. M. M. Silva, M. A. S. V. Gunawardane, Indrajith D. Nissanka, Y. W. R. Amarasinghe, Gayani K. Nandasiri.,".Development of an Active Compression System for Venous Disease.",Springer Nature Singapore ,2020
Isuru Wickramaarachchi, Jehan Rassdeen, Shimal Kalana, Indrajith D Nissanka,".Numerical Investigation on the Effect of Valve and Injection Timing on the Performance of a Port-Fuelled Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine.",MERcon 2024,University of Moratuwa,2024,424-429
NHDS Manawadu, ID Nissanka, HCP Karunasena,".A Comparative Performance Analysis of Heaving Point Absorber and Oscillating Wave Surge Type Wave Energy Converters in Irregular Sri Lankan Wave Conditions.",MERcon 2024,University of Moratuwa,2024,482-487
Gamaralalage Prasad Ranil Chandima, TP Miyanawala, ID Nissanka,".Analysis of Flow Induced Vibration of High Head Francis Turbine.",MERcon 2023,University of Moratuwa,2023,568-573
Dilshan Hedigalla, Malindu Ehelagasthenna, Indrajith D Nissanka, Ranjith Amarasinghe, Gayani K Nandasiri,". Comparative Analysis of Artificial Neural Network and Multiple Linear Regression Models in Predicting Pressure Transmission of soft pneumatic actuators used for active compression.",MERcon 2023,University of Moratuwa,2023,771-776
SVIRV Serasinghe, ID Nissanka, MA Wijewardane,".Analysis of Passive Solar Design and Thermal Mass Optimization to Reduce Cooling Energy Demand of Existing Building.",International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment,Kandy Sri Lanka,2022,303-316
Dilshan Hedigalla, Malindu Ehelagasthenna, Indrajith D Nissanka, Ranjith Amarasinghe, Gayani K Nandasiri,".Numerical Study to Investigate the Pressure Propagation Patterns by a Compression Sleeve with Miniaturised Air-Bladders.",MERCon 2022,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (Vertual),2022,1-5
Harithkhan VM, Nissanka ID, Manthilake MMID,".System performance of split type A/C units in high-rise residential buildings with different condenser arrangements.",MERCon 2022,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (Vertual),2022,1-6
NHDS Manawadu, ID Nissanka, HCP Karunasena,".Numerical Analysis and Performance Optimization of a Flap-type Oscillating Wave Surge Converter in Irregular Waves.",MERCon 2022,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (Vertual),2022,1-6
SVIRV Serasinghe, ID Nissanka, MA Wijewardane,".Establishing the relationship between indoor and outdoor temperature of an existing office building using hybrid physics based and data driven models.",MERCon 2022,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (Vertual),2022,1-6
Kavindu Kandearachchi, Thisara Samarasekara, Sithum Ganegoda, Lasith C Balasooriya, Indrajith D Nissanka,".Numerical Investigation to Improve the Performance of Induction Heating Oven for Tyre Mould Preheating.",MERCon 2022,University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka (Vertual),2022,1-6
Indrajith D Nissanka, Gayani K Nandasiri.,".Use of Early Semester Student Feedback for Enhancing Effectivness of Teaching and Learning.",INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTING (ICATC-2021),University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka,2021,178-183
Fernando, D.O.D.P., Ahmad, A. N., Nandasiri, Gayani K., Nissanka, Indrajith D.,".Evaluation of Cooling Techniques for Personal Cooling Garments in Hot and Humid Climates.",INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTING (ICATC-2021),University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (Vertual),2021,117-123
Manawadu, N. H. D. S., I. D. Nissanka, and H. C. P. Karunasena,".SPH-based numerical modelling and performance analysis of a heaving point absorber type wave energy converter with a novel buoy geometry.",Renewable Energy,228(2024),2024
Malindu Ehelagastenna, Ishan Sumanasekara , Hishan Wickramasinghe , Indrajith D. Nissanka, Gayani K. Nandasiri.,".Towards the Development of an Alternating Pressure Overlay for the Treatment of Pressure Ulcers Using Miniaturised Air Cells.",Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Proceedings,64,2020
Malindu Ehelagastenna, Ishan Sumanasekara, Hishan Wickramasinghe, Indrajith D. Nissanka, Gayani K. Nandasiri.,".Towards the Development of an Alternating Pressure Overlay for the Treatment of Pressure Ulcers Using Miniaturised Air Cells.",Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Proceedings,64,2020