Sasiranga De Silva appointed to the UNEP Technical Committee of the Global Electric Mobility Programme


We are pleased to announce that Mr Sasiranga De Silva; an academic staff member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is appointed as a Technical Committee member to the Global Thematic Working Group of Electric Two and Three-Wheelers, which is part of UNEP's Global Electric Mobility Programme.

The Global Electric Mobility Programme aims to support low- and middle-income countries with the shift to electric mobility, funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), the European Union (through the jointly implemented SOLUTIONSplus project), the German Climate Initiative, the FIA Foundation, Norway and Sweden. It consists of more than 50 country projects and global support activities. The global support activities comprise four Global Thematic Working Groups, which are implemented in partnership with the International Energy Agency, (electric light-duty vehicles; electric two and three-wheelers; electric heavy-duty vehicles; and charging infrastructure, batteries and grid integration), and four Regional Support and Investment Platforms (Africa; Asia and the Pacific; Latin America & the Caribbean; Central and Eastern Europe, West Asia and the Middle East), which are hosted in partnership with the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Centro de Movilidad Sostenible of Centro Mario Molina Chile.




Published on 01st December 2021