Workshop on extreme sea levels and coastal flooding projections for Sri Lanka

IHE Delft (Netherlands), in partnership with the University of Moratuwa and SLASS, conducted a workshop on extreme sea levels (ESL) and coastal flooding projections for Sri Lanka at SLASS auditorium in Colombo 7. The event was held on October 26 with the participation of the Deputy Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Sri Lanka and Maldives. Prof Roshanka Ranasinghe (IHE Delft/Deltares/University of Twente), presented the ESL projections for the entire Sri Lankan coast and highlighted potential techniques for coastal flooding protection for Sri Lanka. His speech elaborated on the findings of an international collaborative study that investigated how ESL might change under different global warming levels at a global scale. This event was organized by  IHE Delft delegates, Dr Janaka Bamunawala from the Department of Civil Engineering (DCE), University of Moratuwa and Prof. Udeni Nawagamuwa, President of the General Research Committee of SLASS and Professor at DCE, University of Moratuwa.