Skill Up With CES – Webinar 3 with a PhD candidate from the University of Cambridge

The Civil Engineering Society (CES) of University of Moratuwa initiated "Skill up with CES" webinar series with the aim of providing opportunities for the students to meet the expert and renowned professionals from all around the world.

The third webinar of the series was conducted on 7th November 2021 by Mr. Asitha Rathnayake (BSc.Eng Hons.(Moratuwa), AMIE (SL), CIMA Dip MA). Mr Asitha is currently a PhD candidate at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Cambridge, and also an alumnus of the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa. Mr Asitha spoke on the “Importance of the Undergraduate period”, and paved a priceless path to embrace the importance of the undergraduate period. This fruitful session uplifted the knowledge of undergraduates on different perspectives of the undergraduate period.