Civil Engineering Society of University of Moratuwa initiated the “SKILL-UP WITH CES-Webinar Series” for the undergraduates to get expert advice from renowned professionals from around the world. As the 2nd webinar under this series, Prof. Sunanda Dissanayake (Ph.D., P.E., F. ASCE – Chair and Professor of Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Kennesaw State University, USA) conducted an insightful online session on “Higher educational paths for Civil Engineering undergraduates” on 24th of October, 2021 from 6.00 p.m. onwards.

She delivered a detailed explanation on higher educational paths, the admission process for postgraduate degrees, assistantships, the importance of higher education, and many other valuable facts, sharing her treasured knowledge and experiences with undergraduates. Civil Engineering undergraduates from the University of Moratuwa as well as from other universities in Sri Lanka who participated in this valuable session increased their awareness on higher educational paths clarifying their doubts on their future carrier. It was an inspired event that energized the galactic goals of undergraduates.