Prof SAS Kulathilake from the Department of Civil Engineering visits University of Western Sydney and RMIT Melbourne

Prof Athula Kulathilaka attended 20th ICSMGE (International Conference in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering) in Sydney from 1-5 May, where he published two research papers. He also represented Sri Lankan Geotechnical Society at the Council meeting of the ISSMGE (International Society on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering).

During the visit, he had discussions with the high-level academics at RMIT University, Melbourne about securing PhD scholarships for top-ranked graduates of the University of Moratuwa and the current split PhD programme in the Department of Civil Engineering. Prof Sujeeva Setunga (Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation), Prof Kevin Zhang (Head, Department of Civil Engineering), Prof Dilan Robert (Associate Professor), Dr Jie Li and Dr Chamila Gunasekara (Lecturers) participated in the discussions.

He also conducted a presentation on “Reduction of Landslide Risk in Sri Lanka by Early Warning, Monitoring and Rectification” at the University of Western Sydney on 6th May.