Farewell Lecture and Felicitation Ceremony of Professor Athula Kulathilake at the Department of Civil Engineering

On the 30th of September 2023, the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Moratuwa bid farewell to one of its esteemed Senior Professors, Prof. Athula Kulathilake, who retired after a commendable and dedicated service.

Prof. Kulathilake played a pivotal role in advancing the Geotechnical Engineering Division of the Department of Civil Engineering. His efforts extended beyond academia, as he established strong connections with industry, notably with the National Building Research Organization (NBRO) and the Sri Lankan Geotechnical Society (SLGS). He served as SLGS President for over a decade, contributing significantly to its growth and current status.

From 2019 to 2021, Prof. Kulathilake served as the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, leaving an indelible mark with his unwavering commitment during challenging times, a sentiment echoed by both colleagues and students.

Beyond academia, Prof. Kulathilake exemplified a life of simplicity and honor in line with Buddhist teachings. He actively guided the university community through various religious activities through the Buddhist Society.

As he steps into retirement from the university, it is anticipated that Prof. Kulathilake will continue to serve society in diverse ways. The university extends heartfelt wishes for his success in the next phase of his illustrious career, with the confidence that his active service will endure for years to come.