
  • RMK Sandamal, HR Pasindu (2020). Applicability of smartphone-based roughness data for rural road pavement condition evaluation. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 1-10
  • H.R. Pasindu, R.M.K. Sandamal, M.Y.I. Perera (2020). A Framework for Network Level Pavement Maintenance Planning for Low Volume Roads. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements—Mairepav9 (pp. 103-113).
  • H.R. Pasindu, D.E. Gamage, J.M.S.J. Bandara (2019). Framework for selecting pavement type for low volume roads. World Conference on Transport Research – WCTR 2019, Mumbai, 26-30 May.
  • Buddhi Herath, B.A.D.J.C.K. Basnayake , Dimuthu Wijethunge , Y.W.R. Amarasinghe , and W.K. Mampearachchi (2019). Design and Development of a Portable Wireless Axle Load Measuring System for Preventing Road Damages, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (KES-SDM 19), 4-5 July, Organized by KES International, Budapes, Hungaria.
  • Buddhi Herath, B. A. D. J. C. K. Basnayake, Dimuthu Wijethunge, Y. W. R. Amarasinghe and W. K. Mampearachchi (2019). Design and Development of a Portable Wireless Axle Load Measuring System for Preventing Road Damages. In Peter Ball Luisa Huaccho Huatuco Robert J. Howlett Rossi Setchi (Editors), Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2019, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Volume 155, PP 553-563,  Springer Publications Singapore,
  • Pasindu, H.R., Gamage, D., and Bandara, J.M.S.J. (2019). Framework for selecting pavement type for low volume roads. 15th World Conference on Transport Research, Mumbai.
  • H.R. Pasindu, Sirisumana, D.N.D. Jayaratne, (2018). Development of a highway performance index for upgrading decision making - a case study for a provincial road network in a developing country. 11th Asia Pacific Conference on Transport and the Environment, Malang, Indonesia.
  • N. Jayaratne, C. Rathnayake, H.R. Pasindu, (2018). Evaluating the Speed-Flow Relationship of Urban Four-lane Roads under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions. Mercon 2018, Sri Lanka.
  • M.R.M. Priyadarshanie, H.R. Pasindu, S.W.M.P. Senevirathne, D.N.D. Jayaratne,  (2018). Evaluate the adequacy of parking provisions based on the trip generation patterns for urban commercial developments. 11th Asia Pacific Conference on Transport and the Environment, Malang, Indonesia.
  • S. Ranawaka, H.R. Pasindu (2018). A case study on economic cost increment in urban highway work zones. In 11th Asia Pacific Transportation and the Environment Conference (APTE 2018). Atlantis Press.
  • D.N.D. Jayaratne, P.W.P. R. Jayasinghe, H.R.  Pasindu, (2016). Evaluation of Level of Service for Two Lane Roads in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the IESL Annual Sessions 2016.  Colombo.
  • D. Gamage, H.R. Pasindu, J.M.S.J. Bandara, (2016). Pavement Roughness Evaluation for Low Volume Roads. 8th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements (MAIREPAV8), Singapore.
  • D. Gamage, H.R. Pasindu, and J.M.S.J Bandara (2016). Pavement roughness evaluation method for low volume roads. In Proc. of the Eighth Intl. Conf. on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements pp. 1-10.
  • D.E. Gamage, J.M.S.J. Bandara (2015) Framework for selecting pavement types for low volume roads, Proceedings of the Civil Engineering Research Symposium, University of Moratuwa, pp. 17-20, 22nd October.