Civil Engineering Society

Civil Engineering Society, University of Moratuwa is the main society in the Department of Civil Engineering. Up to now Civil Engineering Society has done many things for the betterment of both students and the department. One of the main purposes of the society is to enhance the image of the Department of Civil Engineering among society at large and to assist in continually improving the quality of the courses in Civil Engineering. Society assists students having particular needs to succesfully complete their studies in Civil Engineering. Besides academic activities, annually Civil Engineering Society is organizing several students events and community service projects in order to give the students an opportunity for the personality development. Civil Padura, Civil Ape Awrudu, Suhastha, Meth Mihira, Piyaman are one of the events organized by the society. By those events, capabilities of students can be identified and it gives the opportunity to promote their leadership skills and professionalism. And also, in order to keep the Department of Civil Engineering at top of the field, Civil Engineering Society organizes both Spaghetti Bridge Competition and Insee Concrete Mix Design competitions aiming the Techno exhibition. The society is lead by the Patron (Head of the Department), Senior Treasurer and Staff Advisor from the staff and from students President, Vice President, Junior Treasurer, Vice President, Assistant Secretary and chairman of each committee. Currently, there are eight committees under the society which are Executive Committee, Internal Affairs Committee, External Affairs Committee, Canteen Committee, Panel Discussion Committee, Editors, Coordinators and Media Crew. Civil Engineering Society promotes, explores and assists in the development of new career opportunities for civil engineering graduates and also society promotes professional interest in regarding to Civil Engineering among its’ members. Further, society raises and mobilizes resources for the development of Civil Engineering specially at the University of Moratuwa.