News & Events

Presentation made by the 13th batch Students at the IEEE GTD ASIA 2019 in Bangkok

A technical paper based on the undergraduate project work of a 13th batch Electrical Engineering students, Shehani De Seram, Maheeshan Kumara, Gayashan Madhushanka, and Kasun Ranasinghe Sagara, titled “Techno-economic Feasibility Assessment of Implementation of Solar Tracking for Utility Scale Solar Photovoltaic Plants in Sri Lanka” was presented at the IEEE GTD Asia 2019 in Bangkok.

Published on
2019/05/28 - 13:49
13th batch

Dr. Asanka Rodrigo was appointed as the Director General, SLSEA

Dr. Asanka Rodrigo, senior lecturer in the Electrical Engineering Department has been appointed as the Director General of the Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority from 17th April 2019. 

The Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (or SLSEA) is the primary body responsible for the issuance of licenses for sustainable energy developments in Sri Lanka and it is also the authority responsible for promoting renewable energy and sustainable developments in the country.

Published on
2019/05/28 - 13:46

We Are With You 2019

“Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” 
-Mark Twain-


The Electrical Engineering Society speaks the language of kindness every year with their annual charity project, We Are With You. The project focuses on the wellbeing of the Students of School for the Deaf, Ratmalana. For the 20th consecutive time, We Are With You 2019 was held on the 6th of March 2019 at the university premises. 

Published on
2019/05/28 - 13:44

Round Table Conference 2019

The Electrical Engineering Society of the University of Moratuwa holds Round Table Conference (RTC) every year on a timely topic related to the practice of electrical engineering in the country. A team of invited and eminent professionals participate at this event to enlighten the participants with facts and the way forward, and to answer quarries raised by the participants.  The event is held in Colombo, Sri Lanka with the presence of relevant policy makers in the government followed by the fellowship dinner. 

Published on
2019/05/28 - 13:32

DICB Meeting, Department of Electrical Engineering

Department Industry Consultative Board (DICB) Meeting of the Electrical Eng department was successfully held on 07th December 2018 at Ranuka City Hotel, Colombo 03. The key matters for the discussion were enhancing employability of Electrical Engineering undergraduates with proposed changes to the curriculum, new technology enhanced teaching laboratories and industry academia collaborative research activities. Very strong industry participation was noted and suggestions and feedbacks provided were very important in further developing the academic programs.

Published on
2019/05/28 - 10:24

EESoc Annual General Meeting 2019

The Annual General Meeting of Electrical Engineering Society (EESoc) of University of Moratuwa was held for the 23rd consecutive time on 31st January 2019 from 4.30 pm onwards at the Seminar Room, Department of Electrical Engineering. The occasion was illuminated with the presence of the academic staff and undergraduates of the Department of Electrical Engineering. 

Published on
2019/03/28 - 11:07