Intelligent Service Robotics Group presenting at IEEE Region 10 HTC 2019

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2020/11/22 - 23:06

Sahan Priyanayana, a Mphil student at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Moratuwa attended and presented at the IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference which was held from November 12 - 14, 2019 in The Depok City, Indonesia. Sahan is a member of the Intelligent Service Robotics Group led by Dr. Buddhika Jayasekara and Dr. Chandima Pathirana. He presented a paper titled “Evaluation of Navigation Commands Based on Conceptual Attributes to Enhance Human-Robot Interaction”. This work was about conceptual attributes identified in vocal commands of wheelchair users and their effect on understanding of navigational commands.  The presented work was funded by the Senate research council, University of Moratuwa and National Research Council, Sri Lanka.