Course Structure

The first year consists of three academic semesters and the lectures normally conducted on Saturdays and Sundays. The course delivery is in hybrid mode (both online and physical sessions).

Code Course Modules Credit 1 Evaluation2 (%)
Continuous Assessment Final Exam
Semester 01 (14 Credits)
CH 5010 Energy Management 3 40 60
CH 5020 Environmental Biotechnology 4 40 60
CH 5030 Sustainable Process Industry 3 40 60
CH 5040 Chemical Engineering Principle  4 40 60
Semester 02 (12 Credits)
CH 5050 Process Analysis and Mapping 3 40 60
CH 5060 Process Safety and Risk Management 3 40 60
CH 5070 Sustainable Process Development Techniques 3 40 60
CH 5080 Engineering Research Techniques  3 40 60
Semester 03 (14 Credits)
CH 5210 Sustainable Process Design 3 40 60
CH 5230 Air Pollution Control  3 40 60
CH 5240 Sustainable Supply Chain Management 3 40 60
CH 5250 Process Modelling and Simulation 3 60 40
CH 5200 Special Study 3 60 40
After Semester 03 (For completion of MSc)
CH 6099 MSc Dissertation 20 - 100

Additional Notes:

1 1 credit corresponds to 14 hours of lectures or equivalent

2  The means value in the evaluation scheme is the default value. It can be changed by the Lecturer/Examiner concerned, within the specified range, by announcement to the students at the commencement of the course unit.