Mining and mineral processing

Mineral Engineering Laboratory
High tension separator, Wilfley table, Humphry spiral, Magnetic separator, Hydro cyclone, Mineral jig, Sieve shaker, Electric furnace, Electric oven, Electronic balance, Froth flotation cell, Tema mill.

Rock Mechanics Laboratory
Rock crushers (Jaw crusher, Cone crusher), Triaxial testing machine, Point load tester, UCS testing machine, Ball mill, Rock coring machine, Rock cutter, Rock grinder, Lapping machine.

Mine Ventilation Laboratory
Airflow demonstration equipment with wind tunnel, Airflow testing set (MK4 apparatus), Gravimetric dust sampler, Personal air sampling pump, Open jet wind tunnel, Anemometers, Hygrometers, Kata thermometer, Aneroid barometer and mine surveying equipment, ground vibration monitoring equipment (Blastmate) is also available in the lab.
Geology and Geo-Environmental Engineering

Geology Laboratory
GPR, Hydraulic earth drill, Magnetometer, Petrological microscope, Rock cutting and thing section machine, Stereoscope and field survey equipment, Rock and mineral samples on display.

Analytical and Geo-Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Atomic absorption spectrometer, UV-Visible spectrometer, COD apparatus, BOD apparatus, BOD incubator, Drying oven, Water quality parameter meters ( Conductivity meter, pH meter, Dissolved-oxygen meter, Turbidity meter, Chlorine meter), Magnetic stirrer, Laminar Flow cabinet, Fume hood, Analytical balance and micro balance, Muffle furnace.
Remote Sensing and GIS

RS & GIS Laboratory
PCs with RS and GIS software (ArcGIS, Erdas Imagine. Ilwis etc), Scanner, Printer, Stereoscopes, Aerial and Satellite images, Topographical maps, Global Positioning Systems.
Ocean Resources and Petroleum Engineering

Oceanography Dry Laboratory
Particle Size Analyzer, High Resolution Microscope, PCs with softwares such as Petrel, Eclipse, Matlab and Surfer, Global Mapper.

Oceanography Wet Laboratory
Sub bottom profiler, Seismograph, Reflection - refraction polarizing microscope, Echo sounder, Grab sampler, Sieves & Sieve Shaker, Niskin bottles, Gravity corer, Gamma ray spectrometer, Tide gauge, Wave gauge, Current meters, Side scan sonar, CTD, Spectrophotometer, Navigational GPS, Research Boat & Life Jackets.
Gem & Jewellery

Gemmology Laboratory
Gemmological microscopes (Horizontal and Vertical), Refractrometers, Polariscopes, Spectroscopes, Dichroscope, Ultra violet unit, Gas furnace for heat treatment of gemstones.

Jewellery Design Laboratory
PCs equipped with, Jewel CAD software and Laser color printers.

Students’ Computer Laboratory
PCs with Internet access. Provides facilities for students’ project work, assignments and general Internet access.

Computer Laboratory - Design
Twenty Five Hi-End computers with appropriate modern design software to facilitate the modeling capabilities of different subject components.

Boxford lathe machine, Pedestal electric drilling machine, Pedestal grinder, Power saw for metal cutting, Electric arc welding plant, Gas welding plant, basic tools for wood and metal work. This is a common facility for all students of the department, especially to conduct project work.