Extension Courses


The Department of Textile and Apparel Engineering of the University of Moratuwa conducts part-time extension courses to the industry, in addition to full-time courses for those who qualify for University Admission. Since 1991 a series of extension courses have been conducted to update & upgrade skills for those employed in the garment industry. These courses are constantly updated in a variety of aspects related to Textile & Clothing trade. The Department also conducts specially designed courses on request.

Starting on - February 2025


Main Coordinator :

Dr.(Mrs.) C. P. Vithanage

Tel: 0112640480 Ext. 6015

Email: ecourse-textile@uom.lk

The extension courses conducted by this Department and the course content are given in the following.

Textile Technology for the Garment Industry  
Production Organization & Management  
Quality Management for Apparel Manufacture  
Pattern Designing for  Apparel (with CAD)  

Courses that are not offered - Quality Management, Production Organization & Management

For more information contact: 
Tel: (011)2640480 ext 6000 
Fax: (011)2651787

Downloads :

Extension course Flyer 

Extension Course Schedule

 Extension Course Application Form (PDF)