“DIY” stands for Do It Yourself. Basic intension of development of this laboratory to provide
hands on experience on design projects done under module TT 1963 Engineering Skill Development
. It will be further used in conducting laboratory classes in TT 3262 Instrumentation and
Programming for Automation module.
DIY laboratory basically comprising of two segments namely electronic work space and mechanical
workshop. Electronic work space has two work benches facilitating four stations to
work. It also equipped with electronic multi-meters, storage oscilloscopes, signal generators,
DC regulated power supply, computer workstation equipped with simulation software (multisim),
toolkits and furniture. Mechanical workshop equipped with a lathe machine, heavy duty work
bench with a vice, a angle grinder, bench drilling machine, portable drilling equipment and many
other gigs and tools.
Depending on the necessity of the students, the laboratory is planned to be open for the students
after hours.
Lecturer in charge: Dr. Ranga Abeysooriya
Machinist: Mr. SA Gnanarathna