Understanding Price Fluctuations: Insights from Contractor's Perspective by Ch. QS. Majith Kodithuwakku

On March 14, 2024, Level 03 students of the Department of Building Economics were privileged to attend a guest lecture by Ch. QS. Majith Kodithuwakku, General Manager - Estimates and Contracts at ICC (Pvt) Ltd. The lecture provided a comprehensive look at Price Fluctuations from the contractor's perspective in construction projects.
Ch. QS. Majith Kodithuwakku enlightened students on several critical aspects of managing price fluctuations. Key areas of focus included gathering the necessary data for calculating price fluctuations, effectively liaising with project consultants on matters related to price fluctuations, and strategies contractors can employ to mitigate the impact of price fluctuations.
The session was highly interactive, allowing students to deepen their understanding of the practical challenges and solutions associated with price variations in construction. They also had the opportunity to engage directly with an industry expert, asking questions and gaining valuable insights into real-world applications.