Notice: Applications for the 2023 intake is now closed. Thank you for considering our programme, application for the next intake will be advertised in the Second Quarter of 2025.
M.Sc. / P.G. Diploma in Project Management programme offered by the department of Building Economics is geared toward the industry professionals to gain extensive knowledge in the field of Project Management. This programme covers a wide arena of subjects matter to equip the participants with knowledge and skills in Project Management. In addition to the knowledge imparted by way of lectures, this programme emphasise on acquiring practical skills with the contribution of experienced university lecturers and professionals in the industry.
Medium of instruction is English.
The course covers two academic years,
First Year :The student will follow a course of lectures including seminar and coursework which are designed to be intensive but scheduled to suit the busy schedule of the working professional.
Second Year : The students will undertake the writing of a dissertation in a significant area selected in the field of project management under the guidance of supervisors appointed by the co-ordinator.
Lectures of the programme will be conducted on every Friday (4.00 pm – 8.00 pm) and Saturday (8.00 am to 8.30 pm).
The lectures will be conducted online and the conduct of examinations will be done physically at the University of Moratuwa.
Module code | Module Title | Credit Value |
BE5301 | Introduction to Project Management | 3 |
BE5302 | Principles of Management | 3 |
BE5303 | Project Procurement and Marketing | 3 |
BE5304 | Project Planning and Control | 4 |
BE5305 | Managerial Accounting and Finance | 3 |
BE5306 | Project Quality Management | 3 |
BE5307 | Project Information Systems | 3 |
BE5308 | Managerial Economics | 3 |
BE5309 | Operations Research and Statistics | 3 |
BE5310 | Legal Aspects of Project Management | 3 |
BE5311 | Sustainable Development | 3 |
BE5312 | Project Appraisal | 3 |
BE5313 | Directed Study in Project Management | 3 |
Total for Year 1 | 40 | |
BE6301 | Research Methodology | 4 |
BE6302 | Dissertation | 16 |
Total for Year 2 | 20 | |
Total for the MSc Degree Programme | 60 |
Workshops and Seminars will be conducted by guest lecturers from eminent national and international professionals. A dedicated team of lecturers who are specialized in a vast variety of fields strengthens the course.
The selection of students to the Postgraduate Diploma leading to Master of Science in Project Management will be made by the Department of Building Economics, in accordance with one of the following extended eligibility requirements, approved by the Senate.
- An Honours Bachelor’s degree of the University of Mortuwa AND a minimum of one (01) year experience related to Project Management after the effective date of the degree
- Any other four (04) years Honours Bachelor’s degree AND a minimum of one (01) year experience related to Project Management after the effective date of the degree,
- Any other three (03) years Bachelor’s degree AND a minimum of two (02) years experience related to Project Management after the effective date of the degree,
- Any recognized category of membership of a recognized Professional Institute obtained through an academic route AND a minimum of two (02) years experience related to project management after the effective date of obtaining the recognized category of membership.
The recognition of the institution, the relevant experience required for eligibility shall be judged by the Faculty and approved by the Senate.
List of Selected Candidates | Names of the selected candidates (subject to confirmation by the Senate of University of Moratuwa) are given in the list. You will receive an email with further details of registration, by tomorrow (24.03.2022). Please check your emails and read the instructions carefully. Please note that the registration fees, course fees, examination fees and library deposits must be made on or before Saturday, 09 April 2022 to confirm your place. Unconfirmed places by 09 April 2022 would be offered to the candidates in the waiting list | |
Waiting List of Candidates | Names of the candidates who are in the waiting list (subject to confirmation by the Senate of University of Moratuwa) is given in this document. Vacancies will be filled according to the order given in this list after 11 April 2022. We will contact you after 11 April 2022. | |
Applicant’s whose names are not in the above 2 lists | Thank you for applying for the MSc in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution 2022/2023 intake. We really appreciate your interest in joining the programme and thank you for the time that you spent in preparing application and facing interview. We received a large number of applications, and after carefully reviewing all of them, unfortunately, we have to inform you that this time we won’t be able to select you to the next intake. We hope you will apply for the programme again in the future. We wish you every personal and professional success in your future endeavours. |
Applications for the 2023 intake is now closed. Thank you for considering our programme, and we hope you will consider applying to join us in the next academic year.
Interviews will be held online on 21 and 22 January 2022 through Zoom platform. Please keep the day reserved for interviews. Instructions to applicants are given below. Further information on Zoom link and schedule time slots will be available soon.
Online Interview Guideline | ![]() |
Deadline extended till 17th December 2021
Applications from prospective candidates are now invited for the above programme of study. Application form and the other relevant information can be downloaded from below links.
Advertisement |
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Instruction to Applicants |
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Application Form |
Referee Report |
The application processing fee of Rs. 2,000/- must be paid using a paying-in-voucher obtainable at any Bank of Ceylon branch to the credit of “University of Moratuwa” Account No. 70993353. Clearly State ‘Your Name’, ‘NIC Number’ and ‘MSc PM’ on the paying-in-voucher.
Your application shall reach the Department of Building Economics in Following modes mentioned below.
- Post the original duly filled and signed application, along with all supporting documents and paying-in-voucher to the below address through Register post
Ch.QS Indunil Seneviratne
Programme Director
MSc in Project Management
Department of Building Economics
University of Moratuwa
- Email the scanned copies of duly filled and signed application, along with all supporting documents and paying-in-voucher in one (01) PDF file, which is 20 MB or less to msc-pm@uom.lk
(The Applicants who email the application must send the original payment voucher by Registered post to the address given above)
- Hand Deliver the original duly filled and signed application, along with all supporting documents to the Department of Building Economics, University of Moratuwa during working hours, from 9.00a.m to 4.00p.m on Tuesday to Saturday on or before 05 December 2023 (Please note that the Department of closed on Sunday and Monday.)
Application Closing Date – 05th December 2023 15 December 2023
The Course fees for the first academic year and second academic year are Rs.225,000/- and Rs.125,000/-, respectively. The registration fee per semester is Rs.1,500/- (First year - Rs.4,500/- and Second year - Rs.3,000/-). In addition, a non-refundable deposit of Rs.2,000/-, and a refundable deposit of Rs.2,500/- per book (for library facilities) and an examination fee of Rs.500/- is payable at the registration.
The course fees for the local and overseas students are given below.
Local Students: Local fees are applicable to Sri Lankan nationals who hold Sri Lankan citizenship.
Overseas Students: Overseas fees are applicable to Foreign nationals. Please note that the visa, travel and logistics arrangements for attending examinations in Sri Lanka are the responsibility of foreign nationals.
Local Students |
Overseas Students |
Course Fee – First Academic Year |
Rs.225,000/- |
US$2,000 + Rs.225,000/- |
Course Fee – Second Academic Year |
Rs.125,000/- |
US$2,000 + Rs.125,000/- |
Registration Fee |
Rs. 1,500/- per semester (First year - Rs.3,000/- and Second year - Rs.3,000/-). |
Rs. 1,500/- per semester (First year - Rs.3,000/- and Second year - Rs.3,000/-). |
Examination Fee (payable at the registration) |
Rs.500/- Per annum |
Rs.500/- Per annum |
Library deposit |
Refundable - Rs.2,500/- per book (up to a max. 6 books) Non-Refundable – Rs. 2,000/- |
Refundable - Rs.2,500/- per book (up to a max. 6 books) Non-Refundable – Rs. 2,000/- |
Module charges from PG research students (Not applicable for MSc/PG. Dip. in PM students) | Rs.7,500/- per credit |
Please refer to the following table for details of the selected and shortlisted candidates on waiting list
List of Selected Candidates | Names of the selected candidates (subject to the confirmation by the Senate of University of Moratuwa) are given in the list. You should have received an email with further details of registration, by now. Please check your emails and read the instructions carefully. Please note that the registration fees, course fees, examination fees and library deposits must be made on or before Friday, 05 April 2024 to confirm your place. Unconfirmed places by 05th April 2024 would be offered to the candidates in the waiting list. If you name appears in the selected list and has not received an email from msc-pm@uom.lk please notify us by email ASAP. | [Download the Selected List] |
Waiting List of Candidates | Names of the candidates who are in the waiting list (subject to the confirmation by the Senate of University of Moratuwa) is given in this document. Vacancies will be filled according to the order given in this list after 09th April 2024. We will contact you after 09th April 2024. | [Download the Waiting List] |
Applicant’s whose names are not in the above 2 lists |
Thank you for applying for the MSc in Project Management 2024/2025 intake. We really appreciate your interest in joining the programme and thank you for the time spent in applying. This time we had received many applications. We carefully reviewed all of them. On close scrutiny, we have to inform you that this time we won’t be able to consider your application for the 2024/2025 intake. We hope you will apply for the programme again in the future. We wish you success in your future personal and professional endeavors. |
Any inquiries should be forwarded to Ch.QS Indunil Seneviratne, the Programme Director: isenevi@gmail.com
For any clarification regarding the application and related matters, please contact Mr. Anura Dasanayake on 0713326636 or 011 2 650301, Extension Line 7200. Email: msc-pm@uom.lk
Important forms for existing students can be downloaded from the following link
Programme Director
Ch.QS Indunil Seneviratne
B.Sc.(QS) (Hons), M.Sc.(Const. Mgt.)-US, F.I.Q.S.SL
Lecturing Faculty:
Prof. (Mrs.) Yasangika Sandanayake
BSc (QS) (Hons), PhD (UK)
Ch.QS. Prof. (Mrs.) Kanchana Perera
BSc (QS) (Hons), MPhil, F.I.Q.S.SL, AIQS, ICEECA
Ch.QS. Indunil Seneviratne
BSc (QS) (Hons), MSc (Const. Mgt.)-US, F.I.Q.S.SL
Ch.QS Dr. Suranga Jayasena
BSc (QS) (Hons), MSc (Building), F.I.Q.S.SL, PhD (SL)
Ch.QS Vijitha Disaratna
BSc (QS) (Hons), MBA(UK), RICS PM Diploma (UK), A.I.Q.S.SL, MRICS, ACI Arb, EDA(UK)
Ch.QS Dr.(Mrs.) Thanuja Ramachandra
BSc (QS) (Hons), MPhil (SL), PhD (NZ), A.I.Q.S.SL
Prof. (Mrs.) Udayangani Kulatunga
BSc (QS) Hons, PhD (UK), FHEA (UK), PGCAP (UK)
Dr. (Mrs.) Sachie Gunathilake
BSc (QS) (Hons), PhD (UK)
Mr. Mahesh Abeynayake
LLB (Hons), LLM (Colombo), MPhil (Moratuwa)
Attorney-at-Law & Notary Public
Ch.QS Prof. (Mrs.) Anuradha Waidyasekara
BSc (QS) (Hons), MSc (Civil Eng), PhD (SL), A.I.Q.S.SL, AAIQS, SEDA(UK)
Dr. (Mrs.) Chandhani Hadiwattege
BSc (QS) (Hons), PhD(SL), SEDA (UK)
Dr. KAK Devapriya
BSc (QS) (Hons), PhD (Hongkong)
Dr. (Mrs.) Menaha Thayaparan
BSc (QS) Hons, PhD (UK)
Dr. (Mrs.) Thrusha Ranadewa
BSc (QS) Hons, PhD (SL)
Ch.QS Indunil Seneviratne
Programme Director
M.Sc. in Project Management Programme
Department of Building Economics
University Of Moratuwa,
Sri LankaTel: +94-1-2650301 ext 7220
Fax: +94-1-2650738
E-mail: isenevi@gmail.com
Mr. Anura Dasanayake / Ms. W. Sewwandi Fernando
Programme Assistants
M.Sc. in Project Management Programme
Department of Building Economics
University of Moratuwa
Tel: 0713326636 / 0112650301 (Ext: 7200)
Email: sewwandik@uom.lk