Fostering Workplace Well-being: Guest Lecture on Ergonomics for Level 2 Students of Department of Building Economics

In an effort to instil a deeper understanding of workplace health and safety, the Department of Building Economics hosted a guest lecture for Level 2 Quantity Surveying and Facilities Management students. The insightful session, titled "Efficacy of Ergonomics in Cultivating Optimal Health and Safety in the Workplace," was delivered by Ms. Hasangi Nishadini.
Ms. Hasangi, a lecturer affiliated with The Chiththa Advanced Psychological Studies Open Institute of Sri Lanka, shared her expertise on the crucial role ergonomics plays in enhancing workplace well-being. The lecture, specifically tailored for Level 2 students, aimed to underscore the importance of optimizing health and safety measures, particularly applicable for those studying Quantity Surveying and Facilities Management.
Ms. Hasangi delved into practical strategies to improve workplace health, emphasizing the relevance of ergonomics in creating environments conducive to both physical and mental well-being. The session provided students with valuable insights into the application of ergonomic principles in their future roles, highlighting its significance in their respective fields of study.