The 8th World Construction Symposium 2019, under the theme, “Towards a Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Built Environment” was held from 08th-09th November at Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka. The symposium was jointly organized by the Building Economics Management and Research Unit. (BEMRU) of the Department of Building Economics, University of Moratuwa and the Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB). The Associate Partners of the Symposium were Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom; Centre for Innovation in Construction and Infrastructure Development (CICID); The University of Hong Kong; Built Environment Project and Asset Management (BEPAM): Journal, published by Emerald Group Publishing; Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras); Western Sydney University, Australia; and Colombo School of Construction Technology (CSCT), Sri Lanka.
Ms. Tharusha Ranadewa, Lecturer, Department of Building Economics and Prof. Yasangika Sandanayake, Head of the same Department, won the BEPAM Best Paper Award for the paper titled “Lean Enabling Human Capacity Building of Small and Medium Contractors in Sri Lanka” at the 8th World Construction Symposium 2019.
Ms. Fasna Fasly, Research Assistant of the Department of Building Economics and Dr. (Ms.) Sachie Gunathilake, Senior Lecturer of the same Department, won the BEPAM Highly Commended Paper Award for the paper titled “Energy Retrofits to Enhance Energy Performance of Existing Buildings: A Review” at the 8th World Construction Symposium 2019.
Ms. Kaveesha Dewagoda, Lecturer attached to the Department of Building Economics, received the CIOB Best Presenter Award for the paper titled “A Conceptual Knowledge Value Chain Model for Construction Organisations Engaged in Competitive Tendering” at the 8th World Construction Symposium 2019.