Advancing Academic Excellence: BEMRU Research Colloquium Explores "Supporting Students through Transition"

On December 14th, 2023, the Building Economics and Management Research Unit (BEMRU) organized a research colloquium tailored for academics, centered around the theme "Supporting Students through Transition." The session proved to be a valuable platform for professional development and knowledge sharing.
Professor Niraj, an esteemed alumnus of the Department of Building Economics who currently serve as an Associate Professor in Built Environment at Northumbria University, led the discussion. Drawing from his extensive experience, Prof. Niraj focused on understanding the development of cognitive skills through Bloom's Taxonomy and assessing the depth of knowledge attained by students using the Solo Taxonomy.
The colloquium provided a unique opportunity for young academic staff members to enrich their teaching and assessing skills. Prof. Niraj's insights offered a fresh perspective on supporting students through various academic transitions, fostering a deeper understanding of the cognitive milestones students navigate.
This research colloquium reflects BEMRU's commitment to advancing academic excellence and providing a platform for continuous learning and improvement within the academic community. The event served as a catalyst for enhancing teaching methodologies and assessing skills, ensuring a supportive and enriching academic environment.

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