11th World Construction Symposium 2023: Accelerating Sustainability in the Built Environment

The 11th World Construction Symposium 2023, themed "Accelerating Sustainability in the Built Environment: Policies, Practices, and Perspectives," triumphantly unfolded in a hybrid format on July 21-22, 2023. This distinguished symposium, whose full papers have been indexed in SCOPUS since 2019, was a collaborative endeavor by the Building Economics and Management Research Unit (BEMRU) of the University of Moratuwa's Department of Building Economics and the Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB), in partnership with esteemed institutions such as Western Sydney University, the University of Newcastle, Deakin University, and others.

The symposium celebrated its 11th year, thriving amid Sri Lanka's challenging political and economic climate. Its diverse array of 91 papers, authored by individuals from around the globe, covered 20 sub-themes ranging from Green Solutions for Construction to Circular Economy in Construction. A panel discussion on "Constructing Renaissance in Construction" featured prominent figures from academia and industry.

The symposium culminated in the announcement of award winners, including the BEPAM Best Paper Award, CIOB Best Paper Award, and several Highly Commended Paper Awards, recognizing outstanding contributions to sustainable construction research.

This success was made possible through the collaborative efforts of organizers, participants, and sponsors, with special appreciation extended to the Ceylon Institute of Builders, associate partners, and the University of Moratuwa. The dedication of authors, scientific committee members, panelists, and all those involved in the event's execution was acknowledged with gratitude.

The 11th World Construction Symposium 2023 stood as a testament to the resilience and commitment of the global construction research community in advancing sustainability in the built environment.


