Eligibility Requirements (Entry Qualifications):
As defined by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Sri Lanka for students who have taken the GCE Advanced Level Examinations in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. The UGC currently uses a GCE Advanced Level Examination ‘Z' score-based screening process for admission.
Proposed Annual Intake of Students
The first intake of students was 104 for the academic year 2020, with provisions to increase further depending on the requirement.
Overview of the Curriculum
The MBBS curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine, UOM employs the latest global trends in curriculum design, and innovative teaching, learning, and assessment methods, to nurture the development of medical graduates as specified by the faculty's vision and mission statements. As a result, the curriculum is outcome-driven, integrated, iterative and student-centered.
This organization of the curriculum ensures that it is driven by the final outcomes of the MBBS programme, providing ample opportunity for students to develop desired competencies by graduation. Furthermore, the core medical principles are conveyed in an integrated manner as body system-based modules and they are revisited with advancing years gradually increasing the depth and breadth of learning. Diverse opportunities of student-centered learning are also provided to facilitate deep, self-directed and reflective learning.
Curriculum Structure
The duration of the MBBS degree course is five years. Each academic year comprises 3 terms and each term is 10 weeks in duration. The curriculum is horizontally and vertically integrated, system-based and is divided into three phases: Phase I, Phase II and Phase III. Phase I consists of 5 terms, Phase II, 6 terms and Phase III, 3 terms. The curriculum is structured into several streams; some are limited to a particular phase, while some extend across phases.
Programme Duration and Credit Load
The MBBS programme will be delivered through an academic calendar that comprises of 3 terms per year rather than 2 semesters per year.
Programme Assessment Procedures/Rules
Throughout the degree program, students will be tested both formatively and in a summative manner at regular intervals. Continuous assessments will be held at the end of each term in Phases I and II, assessing the modules taught during that term. A main examination will evaluate the learning of the entire course of each phase at the end of Phases I and II. All clinical subjects will be evaluated during the Final MBBS Examination at the end of Phase III. Assessments will evaluate students' knowledge, abilities, and attitudes. The completion of Phase I will serve as an essential prerequisite to moving on to Phase II. Students must have passed the Phase II examination, as well as the examinations in the Community Medicine (public health), Personal and Professional Development, and Technology in Medicine Streams, to be eligible to sit for the MBBS Final Examination.
” Medical students at the UOM will have the chance to learn about cutting-edge technology used in clinical practice around the world, such as advanced imaging and diagnostic tools, as well as minimally invasive procedures. Through postgraduate programs, graduates from various medical institutions will be trained in high-tech clinical practice. Its curriculum is outcome-oriented, integrative, iterative, and student centered.”
Graduate Profile
A graduate of the M.B.B.S. program should be able to perform the functions of a general practitioner, a scientist, and have established professional values by achieving seven outcomes, which were formulated using the subject benchmark statement for Medicine published by the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Directors in 2014.