The Medical Students Financial Assistance Scheme or MSFAS is operated by the Faculty of Medicine with the approval of the University of Moratuwa. It was developed in 2022 to assist students facing financial difficulties, who for one reason or another do not receive assistance through other existing schemes or who continue to have financial difficulties despite of receiving assistance.
The MSFAS will be administered through the welfare committee of Faculty of Medicine, University of Moratuwa
Present members
This includes the members of the welfare committee; the chairperson, convener, and other academic members. They will operate in liaison with the other academics in the faculty. They may co-opt other staff members on an “as needed” basis.
Funds for the MSFAS come from donations made by well-wishers of the faculty (members of the public, faculty staff, students and alumnus, doctors, doctors domiciled abroad, patients, doctors’ associations and others)

Eligibility for Assistance
This Scheme will be available to students (should be a citizen of Sri Lanka) registered in the undergraduate medical course of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Moratuwa. A student may apply for assistance anytime during their stay in the faculty. They should be of good standing.
Examples of categories of students who may be considered for assistance under this Scheme include the following.
1. Students who are experiencing financial difficulties due to insufficient parental income
2. Students from backgrounds where the “family structure” has broken down.
3. Ill health of students or family members leading to drain on financial resources.
4. Unexpected and/or new development causing financial strain.
5. Indebtedness of the parents such as long-term housing loans from recognized institutions.
6. Other – Decided by the members
Students who are in receipt of Mahapola or other bursaries may also be considered under this scheme, depending on their financial circumstances. However, it should be highlighted, that if the recipients receive additional scholarships/funding from any other party or organization, at any point, the committee should be informed as soon as possible. (The commencement, end, and the source must be specified.) If these details are not provided, it will be considered a violation of MSFAS rules. In such case, the administration will be compelled to inform the relevant donors of MSFAS regarding the violation, which may lead to discontinuation of further funding.
Methods of identification of students:
1. Students may apply directly to the MSFAS
2. Students may be referred by the Dean, staff members, mentors, student counselors and university officers involved in student welfare.
3. Other
Upon identification, students will be asked to fill the MSFAS application form outlining the reasons for their request. They may also be asked to provide documentary evidence to substantiate certain claims.
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