Promotion of Anaerobic Digestion Technology, Education and Research at Faculty of Applied Sciences at University of Vavuniya

With the objectives of promoting anaerobic digestion technology, education and research, a  seminar was organized by the Anaerobic Digestion Research Unit coordinated by Dr. (Mrs). Sukanyah Devaisy and held at the University of Vavuniya on December 20, 2024. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Vavuniya, Prof. A. Atputharajah, was very keen on promoting bio renewable energy sources within university premises. About 120 students from the third & final years & interested staff of the Faculty of Applied Sciences attended this event. Prof. M. Narayana and Prof. P.G. Rathnasiri participated from University of Moratuwa and Eng. Namiz Musfer from Sri Lanka Biogas Association initiated this programme.

From left to right:  Prof. (Ms). M. Chandrakantha, Prof. M. Narayana, Prof. Arulampalam Atputharajah (Vice Chancellor), Emer. Prof. K.D.N. Weerasinghe, Prof. P.G. Rathnasiri, Dr. S. Wijeyamohan