The Electrical Engineering Society of the University of Moratuwa holds Round Table Conference (RTC) every year on a timely topic related to the practice of electrical engineering in the country. A team of invited and eminent professionals participate at this event to enlighten the participants with facts and the way forward, and to answer quarries raised by the participants. The event is held in Colombo, Sri Lanka with the presence of relevant policy makers in the government followed by the fellowship dinner.
This year topic is “Increasing the EV and Solar PV hosting capacity in the distribution network”. As of today, many solar PV developers are held up by not getting clearance from the CEB to connect solar PV systems to the distribution network, and the CEB is also having justifiable and valid technical reasons to do so. Simultaneously, the EV chargers on the distribution network are on the rise bringing up another set of issues to the operation of the distribution network. The experts at the round table conference will discuss different aspects on these matters to find a better way forward. The date and the venue of the conference will be announced in due course.