Power system of a country is a broader aspect where whole country is benefited with. In order to knowledge up the future personals whom to vest the responsibility of country’s power system a guest lecture was held on 22nd of February 2018 at the Seminar Room, Department of Electrical engineering. The workshop was conducted by two engineers from Ceylon Electricity board, Dr. H.M. Wijeekoon Banda, Chief Engineer (Transmission Planning) and Mr. M.B.S. Samarasekara, Chief Engineer (Generation Planning)
The main concern of the lecture was to handover knowledge about the current status and future commitments of Sri Lankan power system. Mr. M.B.S. Samarasekara explained about present status of Sri Lankan power generation, proposed capacity additions to the generation network, Environment aspects on power generation and commitments from CEB, comparison of energy mixes of the other countries and Sri Lanka.
Dr. H.M. Wijeekoon Banda explained about present transmission network and its development, future transmission investment commitments, HVDC link between India and Sri Lanka. The guest lecture was successfully held for about two hours with the interaction of academic staff and undergraduates.
Published on
2018/07/17 - 10:27