The project titled “Develop a Series-arc Fault Detector to minimize the risk of domestic electrical fires” has been selected by the Department of Electrical Engineering as the best final year undergraduate project of 15 batch. The group members are Sachini Somathilaka, Nadun Senarathna, Hasinthaka Hewapathirana, Kaushalya Sumathipala, and the project is supervised by Prof. Udayanga Hemapala, Prof. Rohan Lucas and Dr. Narendra De Silva.
The project was also awarded the Best Poster Award at MERCon 2019, the Eng E. W. Karunarathna Award for the Best Undergraduate Project in Electrical Engineering 2019 / 2020 (Awarded by Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka), and Manamperi Main Award 2019 for the Best Inter University Final Year Undergraduate Project in Engineering - Group Category (Awarded by Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science). The Department likes to congratulate the team members for a job well done.