It is a privilege to convey this message as the Head of the Department of Management of Technology, which is the oldest department of the Faculty of Business. As a service department nurtured within the Faculty of Engineering from its inception, today, we have come a long way to have been able to offer our own degree programme under the Faculty of Business since 2017. The Bachelor of Business Science Degree in the Business Process Management (BPM) degree programme focuses mainly on information technology in BPM and business process excellence which open avenues to excel in the BPM sector. Our experienced and dedicated staff always provide the best for our students so they can compete with Service 5.0.
The uniqueness in the curriculum and industrial exposure we provide for young undergraduates creates a competent graduate at the end of the degree programme. As we work very closely with industry consultants, we always ensure the delivery of contemporary knowledge within our modules, such as is expected by industry. Our students engage in several production and service industries from their first year in order to obtain practical exposure related to the theoretical knowledge they gain in the class room. Students also obtain a remarkable opportunity to improve their skills and attitudes during their 04 years of study, through academic activities, research, volunteer projects, internships and various extra-curricular activities.
The unique combination of the academic curriculum, exposure to industry, and skills/attitudes development sets the BPM specialization apart as a distinctive degree program. The Department of MoT aims to produce competent graduates who can secure entry-level managerial positions soon after completing their degree and progress to higher positions within a few years. Our graduates hold job titles such as Business Analyst, Business Process Analyst, Process Excellence Manager, Business Process Specialist, Continuous Improvement Specialist, Lean Six Sigma Manager, Customer Success Consultant, ERP Consultant, Digital Process Architect, Innovation Evangelist, and many other BPM related positions. Our MBA programmes in Management of Technology and in Techno-Entrepreneurship are equipped with an updated curriculum and competent panel of lecturers drawn from industry and academia. I strongly affirm that students who follow the degree programmes of the Department of MoT will be industry leaders in the near future.