Industrial collaborative research

Industry Project Proposal Submission

We invite industry partners to collaborate with us by submitting project proposals for final-year undergraduate students in the Materials Science and Engineering program. These projects, integral to the students' academic journey, will span three semesters:
- Semester 6 (parallel with industrial training)

- Semester 7

- Semester 8

Key Points to Consider:

Relevance: The proposed projects must align with materials science and engineering fields, ensuring they provide relevant and challenging experiences for the students.

Project Review and Approval: Each project proposal will be evaluated by a panel of staff members. Upon approval, an academic supervisor will be assigned based on the project’s scope. An industry supervisor may also be assigned if they meet the necessary qualifications. Additional academic supervisors can be included if the project spans multiple disciplines.

Industrial Training: We encourage companies to offer industrial placements to the students working on their proposed projects, which allows for seamless integration of academic and practical experiences. Kindly indicate if you are able to provide such placements. A maximum of two students can work on a single project. They may choose to undertake the project individually or in pairs, based on preference.

Resource Support: Industry partners are expected to provide necessary materials, cover the costs for chemicals, consumables, and any required external testing services. A budget approval process is available before the project begins.

Confidentiality: Should your project involve sensitive information, we are open to signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement to ensure confidentiality.

Student Interviews: If the company wishes to interview students before final selection, the department can coordinate this process to ensure a good fit between the students and the project.

Project Commitment: Once a project has been assigned to students, it is expected that the industry partner will remain actively involved until the project's completion. However, modifications to the project topic or objectives may be made within the agreed scope, provided that all parties – the industry partner, academic supervisor, and students – agree to the changes.

Project Workflow:

  1. Proposal Submission: Industry partners submit their project proposals to the department.

2. Proposal Review: A departmental review panel evaluates the submissions. Once a project is approved, an academic supervisor is assigned. Preliminary discussions with the industry partner may be held to refine project objectives.

3. Project Allocation: The list of approved projects is shared with students in Semester 5, allowing them to apply for the projects of their interest.

4. Student Assignment: Suitable students are matched with the projects based on their preferences and academic strengths. If requested, interviews can be conducted before finalizing the selection.

5. Industrial Training: If the company is willing, selected students are offered industrial training placements, during which they conduct initial work, including a comprehensive literature review.

6. Project Execution: The main project work takes place during the final year (Semesters 7 and 8), with close coordination between the academic and industry supervisors.

Proposal Submission Guidelines:

To submit a proposal, please complete the attached submission form, providing as many details as possible.

[Download Proposal Submission Form: DOCX]

Once completed, kindly forward the form to: