You need to download and install the SoftEther VPN Client software. You can get it free from their official website (
Install it and run. You need to create a local virtual network interface adapter. After that create a profile with following parameters.
route -p ADD X.X.X.X MASK M.M.M.M
command and accept all license agreements by entering the number relevant to “Yes”.make
command process, start the vpn client using sudo ./vpnclient start
and select No 3
to enter to Use of VPN Tools (certificate creation and Network Traffic Speed Test Tool)
on a terminal opened inside <folder_1>Management of VPN Client
option.Hostname of IP Address of Destination
. NicCreate <name for virtual interface>
eg : NicCreate vpn_se
AccountCreate <name>
In this case : AccountCreate CITeS
Destination VPN Server Host Name and Port Number:<VPN IP address>:<SoftEther VPN Port>
Destination Virtual Hub Name: <Hub Name>
Connecting User Name: <Username of LMS, Moodle, UoM_Wireless, UoM Email>
Used Virtual Network Adapter Name: <Created virtual interface’s name>
Destination VPN Server Host Name and Port
Destination Virtual Hub Name: <Enter the appropriate one according to the following drop down>
Connecting User Name: <UoM Username>
Used Virtual Network Adapter Name: vpn_se (the one created in above step)
The command completed successfully
message if you do it correctly.Setup a password to the created account. AccountPassword <UoM Username>
Specify standard or radius:
give radius
and check the connectivity. If you get Connected status it is good to go for the next step.
sudo ifconfig
. Now you should see the virtual network adapter you created earlier. But you do not have a ip address for it.sudo dhclient <virtual_network_adapter_name>
eg:sudo dhclient <vpn_vpn_se>
sudo netstat -rn
command to see the routing table. You need to add a static route here.sudo ip route add <gateway of the ip range of your virtual network adapter>/<subnetmask> via
Go to "System Preferences" > "Network".
Click on + button
Select the settings below for the pop-up window and click "Create".
Select the newly created interface and click on Add Configuration on the Configuration menu.
Give a name for your configuration and click Create.
Enter the Server Address and Account name. The server address can be found in the reply to your ticket. The account name should be your username@virtual-hub-name, which can also be found in the reply.
Click on Authentication Settings and Enter your UoM password for the password field. Use UoM-2017 for the Shared Secret (If that doesn't work post a reply to the original ticket). then press OK.