About Us

A Brief History of CEBI

The Center for Biomedical Innovation (CEBI) was launched as a Multidisciplinary Research Center at the University of Moratuwa in late 2017. It is one of the seven multidisciplinary research centers established at the university.

The Center was launched with the intention of fostering a collaborative ecosystem for the professions of Engineering and Medicine to work together, innovate and develop biomedical solutions and products. Recognizing the abyss between laboratory innovations and the commercial market, the center also aimed to create pathways for local biomedical innovations to be taken through to commercialization and into the healthcare pathways of patients in our country.

The grounding principle of the center is collaboration. In the past year, the center has taken efforts to establish crucial relationships between the professions of medicine, engineering, and business to build the environment needed for biomedical innovation and medical advancement.


Vision: To be South Asia’s premier research and development hub for biomedical devices.

Mission: To develop biomedical devices by offering affordable and high quality situations in keeping with national and regional health care needs.