The Government of Sri Lanka has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services.
The Director, Operations Technical Secretariat, AHEAD Project University of Moratuwa now invites eligible individuals to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested individuals must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services.
The services include;
This non-consultant agrees to provide a dataset accordance with the mentioned key tasks in the following description given by the project on An Analytical Framework for Digital Social Media in Sri Lanka which is under Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) operation.
The main duties and responsibilities of the non-Consultancy service will be to:
Preparation of a dataset from Public YouTube Data.
- Extract Sinhala and singlish YouTube video thumbnails and relevant captions
- Provide a number of reactions (Like, Dislike), number of views, number of shares and comments for each Video.
- Provide the original Video URL for each video (Unique URL for a particular video)
- Extract comments (at least 5) of each video, number of comment reactions (Like, Dislike), and number of comment replies
- Extract comment replies and number of reply reactions (Like, Dislike).
- Provide timestamps of each video post and comments and replies.
- Provide demographic data (age, gender, location, ethnicity (if available)) of the video publisher
- Provide data in JSON format.
- Annotate the data according to their category and severity level of hateful content (definition will be given by the research team)
- Each video post must label by at least 3 individuals
- Profiles of the annotators should be provided after the selection process (Criteria will be provided by the research team)
- Maximum amount of annotation per person is 3000
- Provide the timestamp of each annotation which is done along with the labeled dataset.
- Provide 3,000 posts with thumbnails and labeled data biweekly.
- Annotator ID should be provided with each labeled post
- Assist the screening and training process of the annotators.
- Should be able to provide about 15,000 labelled video thumbnail post items in total as above.
- Encouraged to maintain diversity of annotators
- Package the entire dataset according to the data dissemination standard provided by the research team.
Required Qualifications and Experience:
- The service provider should have equipped with necessary tools to collect and annotate the data such as scraping tools.
- The service provider should be able to demonstrate the tools if requested
- The prior experience of preparation such dataset is a mandatory requirement
Required Competencies:
- ability to extract YouTube data using software tools
- ability to label the data according to given criteria by the research team
- Save data according to the JSON format
A non-consultancy service provider will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Government of Sri Lanka’s Guidelines on Selection and Employment of Consultants-2007.
Interested non-consultancy service providers may obtain further information and specifications at the address below during office hours from 8.30am – 4.00pm.
Expressions of interest must be delivered or sent through registered post along with a CV in a sealed envelope to the address below, on or before 3.00 pm on 08th December 2020. The phrase “Non Consultancy to Prepare Social Media related Data AHEAD/RA3/DOR/MRT/IT/NCON/01)” should be marked on the top left-hand corner of the envelope.
Deputy Director- Procurement,
Operations Technical Secretariat,
AHEAD Project,
First Floor, FGS Building,
University of
Tel: 011-2640051 Extension & 1892
Fax: 011-2651699