REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (Consultancy on Enhancing Industry Awareness of the Transport Data Warehouse and its Applications) AHEAD/RA3/DOR/UOM/ENG/DSC/CON/TOR 03)

Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation

University of Moratuwa



(Consultancy on Enhancing Industry Awareness of the Transport Data Warehouse and its Applications)




The Government of Sri Lanka has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Operation and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services. The services include;

  1. Usability testing of the data warehouse GUI
    • All functions will be tested for user-friendliness and a document maintained with recommendations inline with the functional specification provided
    • Material found useful for further awareness will be provided to be incorporated into the website
    • A potential dissemination strategy for the data warehouse, including the development of a short video highlighting the use and functions of the website 


  1. Developing material to be used for a research documentation with the aim of advancing current research outputs
    • Review relevant technical outputs and draft written descriptions
    • Discussion with Research Team to finalize content
    • Guide Research Team on scouting for new research development opportunities and proposal documentation
    • Assist in developing two specific proposals for RFPs that have been identified by the research team (one each from the CS domain and the transport domain).


  1.  Preparing documentation for uploading project documentation for dissemination on social media and GitHub.
    • Review technical write ups prepared by the Research team and improve them for public consumption
    • Assist the technical staff to improve the presentation of the web pages and social media pages for maximum impact.



The main duties and responsibilities of the Consultancy on Enhancing Industry Awareness of the Transport Data Warehouse and its Applications:

Deliverable NO

Action Item



Testing website for user friendliness

Document the testing of functions as per the functional spec provided, test each function for user friendliness and record recommendations for change, if any


Descriptive text for the website

Based on functionality, create material that will be useful to enhance awareness of the data Warehouse on the website


Draft dissemination plan

Draft a dissemination strategy by identifying stakeholders, content and social media outputs that may be used. Oversee the creation of a short video clip that will accompany the dissemination strategy. *


Draft of generic research documentation

Read summaries of existing material (research outputs) and create a draft document with the assistance of the UoM research team


Create a research proposal tracking tool

Create a ‘proposal opportunity tracker’ to aid the research team to identify opportunities and track RFPs that have been sent, it’s value and percentage of successful and unsuccessful RFPs.


Testing GitHub and Social media pages for user friendliness

Document the testing of functions as per the functional spec provided, test each function for user friendliness and record recommendations for change, if any


Drafts for 2 specific proposals

Draft two specific proposals in response to existing RFPs**


The duration of the service is for 4 months from the date of signing the contract.

The Director, Operations Technical Secretariat, AHEAD Project on behalf of the DataSEARCH, University of Moratuwa now invites eligible individuals to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested individuals must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services.

Required Qualifications and Experience:

  • The individual involved in this project must possess a BSc (Hons) in Information Technology or an equivalent field.


  • More than 10 years high-level experience in Infrastructure Projects including transport. 


  • Demonstrated report writing skills.


Required Professional Competencies:

  • Sound communication skills.
  • Ability to interact with academic and administrative staff in the university and undergraduates.
  • Ability to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of processes and procedures.
  • Ability to analyze and resolve implementation issues effectively.

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Government of Sri Lanka’s Guidelines on Selection and Employment of Consultants-2007.

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours from 8.30am – 4.00pm.

Expressions of interest must be delivered or sent through registered post along with a

CV in a sealed envelope to the address below, on or before 2.00 pm on 31st January 2023. The phrase “Consultancy on Enhancing Industry Awareness of the Transport Data Warehouse and its Applications - AHEAD/RA3/DOR/UOM/ENG/DSC/CON/ TOR 03” should be marked on the top left-hand corner of the envelope.


Deputy Director- Procurement,

Operations Technical Secretariat,

AHEAD Project,

First Floor, FGS Building,

University of Moratuwa.


Tel: 011-2640051 Extension & 1892

Fax: 011-2651699