Research Interests
- Distributed Generation
- Renewable Energy Systems
- Microgrids
- Power system stability and control
Referred Journals
- N.W.A. Lidula, N. Mithulananthan, W. Ongsakul, C. Widjaya andR. Henson, "ASEANtowards Clean and Sustainable Energy: Potentials, Utilization and Barriers", Renewable Energy Journal, vol. 32 (9), pp. 1441-1452, 2007.
- N.W.A. Lidula and A.D. Rajapakse, “A Pattern Recognition Approach for Detecting Power Islands Using Transient Signals—Part I: Design and Implementation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 25(4), pp. 3070 - 3077, October 2010.
- N.W.A. Lidula and A.D. Rajapakse, “Microgrids Research: A Review of Experimental Microgrids and Test Systems,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Journal, vol. 11(1), pp. 186-202, January 2011.
- N.W.A. Lidula and A.D. Rajapakse, “A Pattern Recognition Approach for Detecting Power Islands Using Transient Signals—Part II: Performance Evaluation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 27(3), pp.1071-1080 July 2012.
- T. Bambaravanage, A.S. Rodrigo, S.P. Kumarawadu, N.W.A. Lidula, “A New Scheme of Under Frequency Load Shedding and Islanding Operation,” Annual Transactions of IESL, vol 1(B), pp 290-296, 2013.
- N.W.A. Lidula and A.D. Rajapakse, “Voltage Balancing and Synchronization of Microgrids,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Journal, vol. 31, pp. 907-920, March 2014.
- N.W.A. Lidula, A.D. Rajapakse, Jean-Paul Pham and N. Denboer “Prototype Implementation of an Islanding Detection Relay Based on Pattern Classification of Current And Voltage Transients,” Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, Accepted to be published in March 2014.
International Conferences
- N.W.A. Lidula, N. Perera, A. Rajapaksse, “Investigation of a Fast Islanding Detection Methodology Using Transient Signals,” in IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, IEEE PES GM 2009, pp. 1-6.
- N.W.A. Lidula and A.D. Rajapakse, “Fast and Reliable Detection of Power Islands Using Transient Signals,” in IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2009, pp. 493 – 498.
- Jean-Paul Pham, N. Denboer, N. W. A. Lidula, N. Perera, and A. D. Rajapakse, “Hardware Implementation of an Islanding Detection Approach based on Current and Voltage Transients,” in IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference, EPEC 2011, pp. 152-157.
- N.W.A. Lidula and A.D. Rajapakse, “Behavior of a Microgrid during the Transition from Grid Connected to Islanded Mode,”in International conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Sciences, SEES 2013, pp. 28-33.
- T. Bambaravanage, S.P. Kumarawadu, A.S. Rodrigo, N.W.A. Lidula, “Under-frequency load shedding for power systems with high variability and uncertainty,” in IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC), 2013, pp. 1-6.
International/ Local Conferences (Presentations, Abstracts and Posters)
- W. Ongsakul, N. Mithulananthan, R. Henson, C. Widjaya and N.W.A. Lidula, Invited paper, "Implementation of Renewable Energy Sources and Their Technologies in the ASEAN Region," Asian Energy Week, Beijing, China, 4-7 April 2006.
- N.W.A. Lidula and N. Mithulananthan, "Grid Integration, Power Quality and Stability Issues of Wind Turbine Generators," in the Seminar on Development of Wind Energy Utilization in Thailand, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, July 2006.
- N.W.A. Lidula, "Investigation of a Fast Islanding Detection Methodology," in proceedings of the 2009 Graduate Students Conference (GRADCON 2009), University of Manitoba, Canada, October 2009.
- N.W.A. Lidula, " A Transient Based Islanding Detection Method: Performance Evaluation," in proceedings of the 2010 Graduate Students Conference (GRADCON 2010), University of Manitoba, Canada, October 2010.
- N.W.A. Lidula and A.D. Rajapakse, “A Pattern Recognition Approach for Detecting Power Islands Using Transient Signals—Part I: Design and Implementation,” Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2011 IEEE, July 2011.
- N.W.A. Lidula, "A Study on Microgrid Control Mode Transition from Grid Connected to Islanded Operation," in proceedings of the 2011 Graduate Students Conference (GRADCON 2011), University of Manitoba, Canada, October 2011 .