Meeting between Deakin University and the University of Moratuwa

A team from the Deakin University, Australia, consisting of Prof K.Baskaran (Associate Dean – International & Partnerships, Faculty of Science Engineering and Built Environment), Associate Prof Lloyd Chua (Associate Head of Engineering - International), Associatate Prof Pubudu Pathirana (School of Engineering) and Ms Ruby Lee (Manager - International & Partnerships, Faculty of Science Engineering and Built Environment) were present at the University of Moratuwa on Wednesday, 30th January 2019 for a discussion with Prof P.K.S.

Visit of Indian Delegation to Promote Collaboration with Educational Institutions in India

The Indian Government continuing its drive to promote international students to its country has launched a “Study in India” programme, where 160 registered Institutions are offering approximately 19,000 seats to prospective students to follow over 1500 courses of study. Of the positions available, over 9500 students could obtain fee waivers of up to 100%.