Awareness programme on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)


Awareness programme on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in collaboration with the Health Center and the Student Counselling Unit of University of Moratuwa for the undergraduates of all faculties.
Presenter : Dr. Malathi Pathiraja,
Consultant, STD Clinic, Colombo South Teaching Hospital
Venues : Session for Males - James George Hall
Session for females - Civil Auditorium

Target group : Level 1 and Level 2 undergraduates

National Drug Prevention Week (24th June - 1st July 2019)


Civil Engineering Auditorium

Along with the National Drug Prevention Week (24th June - 1st July 2019), an awareness programme was organized by the Student Welfare Division in collaboration with the Student Counselling Unit - University of Moratuwa.
Resource persons from National Dangerous Drugs Control Board.
1. Mr. Aloka Bandara
2. Mr. Pradeep Kumara