Workshop on Intelligent Transport Systems - Transport Research Forum 2019
- A workshop conducted as a pre-conference event with the participation of both academia and industry. Held on 7rd of September 2019 at University of Moratuwa
- Organized in collaboration with the Transportation Engineering Group of the Department of Civil Engineering
- An illustrative full day session was conducted on different aspects of ITS along with well informative presentations
Opportunities for ITS applications in Sri Lanka
-Prof. Saman Bandara
Traffic signals and use of micro simulation tool for Traffic management
-Dr. Loshaka Perera & Dr. Nadika Jayasooriya
Vision-based Real-time Traffic Sensing Using AI on General Purpose a Embedded Hardware
-Prof. Rohan Munasinghe
Multi-modal Transport Data Analytics Platform
-Dr. Adeesha Wijayasiri
Use of video-based technologies in driver training and vehicle traffic management
-Dr. Chathura De Silva
Use of Crowd Source Data for Transport planning and Traffic management and Google Transit system update
-Dr. Dimantha De Silva
IoT-enabled Framework for Monitoring, Collecting and Analyzing Environmental Effects
-Mr. B. H. Sudantha
V2X communication
-Prof. Dileeka Dias
Road conditions surveys using Mobile application
-Dr. H.R. Pasindu
The use of digital image analysis for asphalt concrete mixture design
-Prof. Wasantha Mampearachchi