IT help desk promotes a ticketing system to submit all the queries. All the registered users in Academic, Academic Support, Administrative, Technical and Non-Academic staffs and Students can access the system by authenticating through the University Email username and Password via;
We categorize the following are the most often issues that hang up with the above users.
DMS System
Issues and concerns regarding Document Management System
DNS Request
DNS related queries are mainly for Systems engineers and analysts.
Email Configuration & Issues
Configuration guidance for UoM email. And email related issues.
Email lists
Information on bulk emails. And bulk email address related information.
ERP System
All issues and information related to the UoM ERP system
IP Phones
All issues and information related to IP Phones
LearnOrg / MIS-Exam
Information regarding Examiner/Moderator form
LearnOrg / MIS-PG
Postgraduate division matters.
LearnOrg / MIS-SRC
SRC Matters.
LearnOrg / MIS-Exam
General LearnOrg exam module Matters
License Requests
All License Requests