Visit of Professor Mahesh Panchagnula, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Published on
2019/03/14 - 10:13

Prof. Mahesh Panchagnula, Dean, International and Alumni Relations, Indian Institute of Technology Madras visited University of Moratuwa on 6th March 2019.

Prof. Panchagnula met Prof. N. Wickramaarachchi, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Prof. Gihan Dias, Director, International Relations, Prof.  J.M.S.J. Bandara, Head, Department of Civil Engineering  and Ms. Y.S. Karunarathne, Assistant Registrar, External Affairs, Publicity and International Student Promotions Division for an initial discussion.

Discussions were held in relation to the following;

•    Create awareness among UoM students regarding GRIESHMA (Global Research Internships In Engineering, Science, Humanities And Management) program, a research based internship program offered by IIT Madras. (Details are published in the Intranet)
•    Joint Faculty workshop at IIT Madras with UoM faculty, focusing on Data Science and Artificial Engineering, Biomechanics, Petroleum Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Aerospace Engineering. 
•    Faculty collaborations, especially in both Biomechanics and Aerospace Engineering. (Faculty exchange, Guest lectures by IIT Madras Academics etc.) 
•    Joint PhD programs for UoM Junior academic staff members at IIT Madras with other foreign universities
•    Co-teaching specialized courses at UoM by IITM faculty and at IITM by UoM faculty, using hybrid lecturing approach  (face-to-face and online environments)
•    Dual Degree programs at IIT Madras
•    Participation of UoM faculty members at IIT Madras conferences

Following the meeting Prof. Panchagnula  visited Department of Mechanical Engineering and had a discussion with  Prof. R.A.R.C. Gopura, Head of the department and Dr. J.G.A.S. Jayasekara, Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering regarding possible collaborations.

Visit of  Professor Mahesh Panchagnula, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Visit of  Professor Mahesh Panchagnula, Indian Institute of Technology Madras