The International/Regional MSc/PG Diploma in Water Resources Engineering and Management program is conducted by the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Center for South Asia Water Management at the University of Moratuwa in partnership with the Department of Civil Engineering and South Asia Foundation (SAF). Both local and South Asian water engineers practising in water resources/floodplain management, irrigation, and drainage fields are accepted into the program. The sixth intake (2020–2022) of the program, which included 11 full–time SAF scholars from different South Asian nations and 12 local participants, recently came to a satisfactory completion.
Problem‐based Learning (PBL)
The most important aspect of this course merging ancient water management wisdom with modern practices is its use of problem-based learning (PBL) projects, which expose students to actual water-related issues and help them develop critical thinking and open-ended solution-finding skills. Additionally, it improves the usage of cutting-edge tools, teamwork abilities, and the sense of collaboration and communication among students.
Field Visits and Practical Works
Field visits offer the chance to gain a deeper understanding of the study field, learn practically, become familiar with the problems of multiple stakeholders, and ultimately prepare for a leading career in the water industry.
UMCSAWM SAF Scholars’ Research Studies
Each SAF scholar has carried out an independent study (leading to an MSc) on various water-related topics of their interest, either in Sri Lanka or in their home countries, under the guidance of eminent supervisors from the Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering Research Group at the Department of Civil Engineering and the industry.
Sewmini Tharuka - Faculty of Information Technology, Batch 19

UMCSAWM SAF Scholarsʼ Research Studies