Europe Sri Lanka Capacity Building in Energy Circular Economy (EUSL Energy) Project is funded by Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of higher education. The project partnership includes University of Moratuwa, University of Peradeniya, University of Ruhuna and Open University of Sri Lanka as local partner universities, and Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden, Centrale Supelec of France, and University of Twente of Netherlands as European partner universities, and “Learnify”, “Future Learn” and “Explore Energy” as other educational partners. The main objective of the project is to establish a new online joint MSc program ‘MSc in Energy for Circular Economy’ that gives its graduates the knowledge, skills, creativity, competences, and business-perspective to solve the future energy-related challenges in the country in an environmentally and financially sustainable manner.
The M30 meeting, a joint progress meeting and workshop of two Erasmus+ Capacity Building projects EUSL Energy and EUBBC Digital was held at the University of Twente (UT), Netherlands from 13th - 17th June 2022. The two projects have similarities and synergy between the two projects are planned to be realized by means of joint development of course modules and joint use of remote labs developed by both projects. Prof. S.H.P. Gunawardena, Prof. Mahinsasa Narayana, Dr. R.M.D.S. Gunarathne, Dr. S.A.D.T. Subasinghe and Dr. G.S.M.D.P. Sethunga of the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, and Dr. L.N.W. Arachchige and Dr. R.M.T. Damayanthi of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Dr. H. P. Karunathilake of the Department of the Mechanical Engineering participated in the M30 meeting and workshop representing University of Moratuwa.
The meeting comprised of discussions covering the overview of the project through developing modules, creating remote labs, and methodology to train the trainers as well as a panel discussion held between embassies, academics and resource personnel of the respective countries, scrutinizing the challenges of the implementation of the project as well as potential actions to overcome them.
More information about the project can be found at