The awareness session on “Sexual Well-Being & Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections” for the undergraduates of the University of Moratuwa as detailed below.


Rupert Pieris Auditorium, Faculty of Architecture, University of Moratuwa.

Resource Person – Dr Gayan Jayawardhana - MO Psychiatry at Colombo North Teaching Hospital.
General Physician, Visiting lecturer at National Institute of Social Development.

Target group – Undergraduates of the University of Moratuwa

Objectives - It is observed that our undergraduates are increasingly encountering an array of relationship related issues on gender identities, sexual behavior, STDs, unplanned pregnancies .. etc. Current increasing trend in the society on living together and pre-marital sex having reflected in the undergraduate community as well, wherever irresponsibility prevails, has lead to ending up with irreversible disastrous repercussions resulting in absenteeism, poor academic performance, academic dropouts as well as psychiatric imbalances/disorders , addictions and even suicidal ideation/attempts and has drastically increased the need for counselling. To manage these circumstances an awareness session for our undergraduates on “Sexual Well-Being & Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections” was organized by the student Counselling unit, University of Moratuwa.

The session was live streamed via the below link to ensure maximum participation.