Data Vitz Camp


Show More and Tell Less: Graphical Abstracts for a Wider Impact

Resource Person :
Dr. Sandun Dasanayake, Senior Lecturer, Department of Decision Sciences, Faculty of Business, University of Moratuwa


Graphical abstracts are paramount in today's academic landscape, where attention spans are shrinking. A graphical abstract is a succinct, visual summary of your research, designed to quickly convey a paper's core findings, methodologies, or conclusions. These visual representations enhance accessibility, increase visibility, and engage a broader audience beyond the academic sphere. This workshop aims to impart the thinking process in developing effective and compelling graphical abstracts that communicate research findings efficiently to specialists and non-specialists, ensuring your work has a wider impact.

During this interactive session, you will be actively involved in the following steps:
- Identifying the Core Message of Your Research: Learn how to distill your research into a single, clear, and compelling visual message that serves as the foundation of your graphical abstract.
- Choosing the Optimal Layout: Explore different layout structures—linear, modular, and central focus—to organize your abstract to maximize clarity and visual flow.
- Selecting the Right Tools: Discover the most effective tools for creating professional graphical abstracts, including Inkscape, Canva, and PowerPoint, based on your design expertise.
- Minimizing Text for Maximum Impact
- Ensuring Simplicity and Clarity in Data Visualization: Learn best practices for incorporating data visualizations into your abstract, ensuring that charts, graphs, and figures effectively communicate your research findings without overwhelming the viewer.
- Engaging a Broader Audience: Understand how graphical abstracts can improve the accessibility and visibility of your research on digital platforms and social media, extending its reach beyond traditional academic circles.

Registration link: Will be available soon

Date : 4th Dec 2024

For more information
Contact person: Dr. Nayani Gunawardhana,