ICCPP - 2018

Go to ICCPP - 2018 > www.iccpp.lk

Cities - People - Places

6th International Conference on Cities, People and Places (ICCPP-2018)

Socializing Cities:

Creating people-centered streets and places

October 05–07, 2018

Sri Lanka Foundation Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka

ICCPP was the one and only scientific conference series held on the theme of Cities, Urban Development, Planning and Design in Sri Lanka. Invitees are those interested in the subject of Cities, People and Places to closely examine the ways in which the city exists as a ‘people’s place’ and how each city’s uniqueness is constructed upon the ways in which ‘urban life’ prevails and contributes to the making of places.

The newly established ‘Centre for Cities – UoM Urban Lab’ and Urban Design Program of the Department of Architecture in conjunction with their national and international academic partners is proud to announce its sixth consecutive International Conference on Cities, People & Places, to be held from October 05th - 06th, 2018 on the theme ‘Socializing Cities: Creating people-centered streets and places’ at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka.


Sri Lanka Foundation Institute



The Sri Lanka Foundation Institute which is one of the key conference and scientist’s event places located at the heart of the city, very close to all cultural activities and key places and offers glimpses of the Garden City envisaged by the Early Planners of Colombo.

For more information, please visit the following website of the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute.


Dr. Janaka Wijesundara
(Conference Chair)     
Department of Architecture,
Faculty of Architecture,
University of Moratuwa.
Email: iccpp@uom.lk (Conference Secretariat)
Email: jawij@yahoo.com