The 8th World Construction Symposium 2019

The 8th World Construction Symposium 2019, under the theme, “Towards a Smart, Sustainable and Resilient Built Environment” was held from 08th-09th November at Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka. The symposium was jointly organized by the Building Economics Management and Research Unit (BEMRU) of the Department of Building Economics, University of Moratuwa and the Ceylon Institute of Builders (CIOB).

Staff of Department of Building Economics wins 3 Awards at 8th World Construction Symposium 2019

The staff of Department of Building Economics, Faculty of Architecture, UoM won 3 awards at 8th World Construction Symposium 2019 BEPAM Best Paper Award Ms. Tharusha Ranadewa, Lecturer, Department of Building Economics and Prof. Yasangika Sandanayake, Head of the same Department, won the BEPAM Best Paper Award for the paper titled “Lean Enabling Human Capacity Building of Small and Medium Contractors in Sri Lanka” 8th World Construction Symposium 2019.

The UoM Wins the 1st Runner Up Award in the SP Cup 2020

The UoM team won the 1st runner up award in the signal processing cup (SP Cup) 2020 competition attached to the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), virtually held in Barcelona, Spain, from May 4 to 8, 2020. The winning team comprised of six undergrads of the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering (ENTC), and four undergrads of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Mr. Dumindu Tissera (a PhD candidate of the ENTC) tutored and the team, and Dr.