Team SiRi of University of Moratuwa becomes the champions at the 2nd Regional Association of Energy and Power Universities (RAEP) Energy and Electricity Market Business Decision Simulation Competition 2020

The team (Team SiRi) represented by the University of Moratuwa became the champions at the 2nd Regional Association of Energy and Power Universities (RAEP) Energy and Electricity Market Business Decision Simulation Competition 2020 organized by the Shanghai University of Electric Power (SUEP), Shanghai, China. The competition was held online this year. The completion had several rounds. Opening ceremony of the competition was held on 30th September 2020.

University of Moratuwa Performance 1st Virtual Taekwondo National Championship Organized by Sri Lanka Taekwondo Federation. 08th to 10th August 2020

The University of Moratuwa won 17 awards at the "1st Virtual Taekwondo International Championships - 2020" held from 8th to 10th August 2020. The event was organized by the Sri Lanka Takewondo Federation.