Dr. Niromi Seram

 Decision Making Model for the Front-End of Apparel Innovations 

   Dr. Niromi Seram

Supervisor: Dr L.D. J. F. NanayakkaraProf. W. D. G. Lanaroll

Department: Textile and Apparel Engineering 

Faculty: Engineering

Effective management of activities and decisions at the front-end of apparel product innovation becomes a must in the winning goal of developing fashion-forward innovative apparel products.  The apparel brands (B2B customers) are also indispensable in front-end decision making since the apparel products are made available to end consumers through world reputed international apparel brands.  

Studies conducted in building scale and urban scale with proposed vertical greening system resulted significant indoor air temperature reduction, cooling load reduction and urban air temperature reduction whereas the quantifiable long-term benefits are achievable in terms of savings from energy consumption and maintenance and numerous un-quantifiable benefits related to sustainability and health.



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