
Transforming disabilities to residual abilities

   Dr. Kokila Abeykoon

People with Physical Disabilities (PPDs) can contribute to economic growth if their physical capabilities are correctly identified. However, employers as well as PPDs themselves find it difficult to do so. Kokila’s solution to this is a residual capability analysis tool to help potential employers evaluate the suitability of PPDs for employment.

 Dr. Himan Punchihewa 

She explored typical manual work activities (WA) that could be performed by PPDs, the range of movement (RM) of each of the body regions/joints required to perform each and developed a framework for mapping WAs to RMs. She was guided by industrial engineers and medical experts. Her framework was tested for usability with potential employers, and for functionality with PPDs.

The framework identifies suitable WAs for a PPD based on his/her degree of disability. It may be used to identify suitable employment for the PPDs, and equipment, facilities, procedures and training that they will need for effective performance.

Dr. Julian Nanayakkara

An Initiative by MoraMinds                                                                                           1 this post on 1